Propane is a safe, effective and efficient fuel for your home heating and home comfort systems. As with any energy source, however, you need to know how to operate your propane equipment if you want to keep your family safe.
The two most important things to know if you’re the owner of a propane-powered home are how to detect a propane gas leak and what to do if you have one.
Here the basics.
For your safety, propane manufacturers add a strong odorant to propane (usually ethyl mercaptan, which smells like rotten eggs) to help you detect a leak under most conditions.
As a precaution, however, we recommend that you install a propane gas detector in your home as well in the event you are suffering from a cold or allergies and can’t smell the odor. Carbon monoxide detectors are also critical, and required by law for most residences in New York State.
If you detect the rotten egg smell of a propane gas leak, please take the following safety precautions:
Look for more propane safety tips here.
Stay safe! Contact Irish Propane today to learn more about propane safety in your home or business, or to schedule a propane delivery in Rochester or Buffalo, NY!